A New Way to Increase and Improve Financial Literacy
Behavioral Finance is a rapidly growing area of study in both the investment and psychology fields. Investors-those growing their portfolio and those using their portfolio for income-need to understand which factors influence their thought process and how the decisions they make impact their investment returns.
Our workshop leader is Ken Kaszak He is both a Registered Representative and Investment Advisor Representative. Ken has written numerous articles & essays designed to teach non-financial people the relevant aspects of investment planning.
The participants will not only learn the "biases" associated with investment psychology but will be exposed to the following equally important aspects of investing:
History and mechanics of the capital markets
The investment media: investor's friend or "frenemy?"
Join us at the Welcome Center at 1100 East Carson Street for this powerhouse breakfast session. Reservations are free for chamber members and include a brown bag snack and workshop materials. Non-members are welcome and an $18 donation to the Welcome Center is appreciated.
We'll supply the brown bag breakfast snack and coffee at this one hour workshop. Seats are very limited.