On Saturday, October 20th, residents will have an opportunity to share their memories of the past during a pop-up museum event that will be held at Prince of Peace Parish Center located at 81 S. 13th Street from 3 PM – 6 PM.
A pop-up museum is a temporary exhibit created by the people who show up to participate. Participants bring pictures, articles or other artifacts to display or just show up to see what is on display. Any residents or former South Siders who have artifacts to share should bring them to the center at 2:30 PM during which time they can set up at one of the tables. They are welcome to stay with what they bring or return at 6 PM to claim what they brought. They can also choose to see what others have brought to share.
At 6 PM, the participants are to take their artifacts with them when they leave the center. These artifacts can relate to Carson Street or other areas of the South Side. The intent of the 3 hours is to stimulate conversation around South Side history.
If you are interested in participating, you can just drop by. If you need additional information, please email info@southsidecommunitycouncil.org.